Diageo - Brilliant Noise

How we built digital capability for Diageo

The story

Diageo urgently needed to build digital skills for their vast, globally distributed marketing workforce.

Our change programme transformed marketing capability for 1500 marketers, from C-level to junior, across 30 countries.

The Challenge

Diageo have always been leaders in brand marketing, but struggled with a significant barrier between their marketing teams and digital skills.

Faced with the challenge of training a globally distributed workforce, as well as an urgent need to improve customer experiences and create operational efficiency, Diageo required a marketing capability programme that would deliver transformative global impact at a fast pace.

The Results

We partnered with Diageo to design and deliver a marketing capability programme for their entire global marketing community.

This included creating a bespoke learning programme, building a strong internal brand and producing a large-scale immersive three day event in Berlin where exec-level stakeholders worked alongside global marketing teams to workshop solutions to the biggest challenges facing the business.

The outcome was an empowered and engaged marketing community and a substantial return on investment within just three months.


ROI achieved within three months


Positive sentiment from participants

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