AI + Marketing: a summary for busy people - Brilliant Noise

AI + Marketing: a summary for busy people

By Brilliant Noise, October 2023. 12 min read. Posts

Last week we held our second webinar on AI for leaders: What’s About To Happen To Marketing. Here’s the one minute read version:

Artificial intelligence will transform marketing. Costs of content production will plummet. Marketers must engage despite the confusing pace of change.

AI will impact marketing in three key phases:

  1. Rework – Improving execution of current tasks
  2. Reimagine – Rethinking processes and workflows
  3. Reframe – Reinventing marketing completely

Other industries like law are already using AI to redo work. For example, software can now draft simple contracts for lawyers to refine.

As AI takes over more repetitive tasks, marketers can focus on high-value strategy and innovation.

The cost of content development, distribution and optimization will trend toward zero over time. AI can generate and adapt content at scale.

This frees humans to maximise return on assets instead of simply creating more.

Marketers should start exploring AI now through experiments and skills training. Leaders should foster a culture of learning.

Get in touch to discuss how we can help you ride the AI wave rather than being swept away. You can watch the entire webinar on YouTube here.