In October, we published Stories that scale: a book tackling the challenge for content marketers working in large organisations.If you haven’t had the chance to read it yet, then you might be interested to know that Stories that scale is also available as a free-to-download audiobook.Audiobooks are perfect for those of us with demanding schedules, who prefer to absorb information on the go. They are great for listening to while commuting, exercising, or even (I find) particularly good company while cooking…The material in the book has been fully adapted for audio, and can be devoured in around 25 minutes. We look forward to releasing more audiobooks like this in 2015. Additionally, we’ve also made the same audio available as part of our podcast, which can be subscribed to via iTunes.On Tuesday 9th December at 4pm GMT Antony will be hosting a free webinar on the challenges covered in Stories that scale, click here to sign up.